Guild Battle Grounds

The Guild Battle Grounds, or GBG, is a mini-game that is played against 6 - 8 other guilds from our World. A GBG "Season" is considered to be 14 days long and consists of an 11 day competition with 3 days rest. Each guild is Ranked at the end of the competition based on their accumulation of of Victory Points (VP) and are rewarded accordingly. The GBG is played on a Battle Map that is accessed via the Ruins located just to the northeast of your City.

The information presented here is to provide clarification and guild specific information. It goes beyond the FoE Wiki which is also a good source of information.

Our GBG 💀 Shotcallers are: Annie H., Archi, Lamikins, Mom, Molli, Xcynda, Gang, Riai and Snozz.

GBG Rewards

There are two categories of rewards from the GBG.

  1. Individual: Consists of the usual gambit of FP, Goods, SoH/RtV fragments, military units, etc. These rewards have a chance to be awarded from each successful, individual advance whether through combat or negotiations. The individual payouts vary according the GBG League we are competing in.

  2. Guild: Consists of SoH and RtV fragments a very generous helping of Crowns to help our Guild level. All Guild members are awarded the same amount of fragments regardless of their level of contribuitioon as it is based on League and that season's Rank achieved.

GBG Ranking

Victory Points (VP) are awarded on an hourly basis to each Guild that has acquired Provinces during that hour. Each Province has a VP value and the closer the Province is to the center of the Battle Map, the more valuable (and more contested) the Provinces are to earn Victory Points. These points accumulate throughout the Season to determine our Guild's overall score and the Guild's seasonal Ranking. The Ranking determines two things:

  1. Guild Rewards: The amount of SoH and RtV fragments to be disbursed and the quantity of Crowns to be awarded to the Guild.

  2. League Points (LP): Our seasonal Rank provides League Points (LP) that will be added to or subtracted from our current LP total and determines if our Guild should move up, move down, or stay in the same League for the following Season. In addition, it influences the selection of the guilds that will compete each other within that League.

GBG Battle Map

The GBG map is comprised of individual Provinces in an amphitheater-like arrangement and they are designated by the province location and name on the map. The map is broken down into the following:

  • Quadrants: There are four (4) Quadrants, or wedges, that are designated by the letters A, B, C and D.
  • Rings: Much like a dart board, there are four (4) Rings that are designated as 1, 2, 3 and 4
  • Province (aka Tile, Sector or Hex): Each Province has a unique Name.

  • Click here to see a larger version of the GBG informational map.

    You will see an array of countours that denote the individual Provinces. Each Guild will be assigned a color based on their Headquarters location (Red, Pink, Blue, Purple, Cyan, Yellow, Orange, or Green) and the Provinces they currently own will be tinted the same as their HQ. Our Guild, as our Provinces, will always be White when we view it but will be an assigned color when viewed by players of other guilds.

    Province Designators

    Specific Provinces are referenced using a 3-character designator comprised of the Quadrant (Q), Ring (R) and Province Name (N) designators and provided in the following order:

    The image below shows the GBG Battle Map Province contours as well as provides the designators. For example, Province "C2T" conveys that the Province is in Quadrant C, Ring 2 and the Name starts with the letter C. View the Province map below to locate Province C2T.

    Click here to see a larger version of the GBG province map.

    GBG Play

    The central theme of GBG play is the acquisition (and loss) of Provinces. The more Provinces acquired and the longer those Provinces are held - the more Victory Points are accumulated. To acquire a Province, players must be successful in a certain quantity of combat engagements or negotiations and doing so earns Advancment(s) towards acquisition of the Province. The quantity of Advances needed to acquire a Provinces is determined by the GBG League our Guild is participating in.

    An important and strategical note is that once a Province is acquired (aka captured, closed, conquered, or, flipped), it is "locked" for four (4) hours and cannot be attacked by others until the lock expires.

    Advances and Attrition

    Note the Extra Turn from the Friend's Tavern does NOT work on negotiations in the GBG.

    Province Details

    To find detailed information about a Province (or attempt an Advancement), select the Province to enter the informational screen.

    Click here to see a larger version of the GBG Province.

    For this particular Province, it is easily ascertained that:

    The following actions may be taken from the Province detail interface:

    In this example, suppose that the Sharks raced and completed all 130 Advances as the Jets were out having lunch. In addition to being locked out of the Province for 4 hours; the Jets would lose half of their Advances and the Advancement Counter would show 55/130 for the Jets.

    Note that buildings can be constructed on Provinces that will help lower or increase the rate of Attrition, increase the quantity of Advances required to acquire the Province, or, boost the VP the Province provides. These buildings require the use of the a Guild's Treasury, thus are selectively used for strategical purposes.

    Coordination, Coordination, and Coordination

    We have GBG 💀 Shotcallers that coordinate our collective efforts for the best rewards for individuals and the Marauders as a whole. The ☢️ GBG thread is utilized for our communications and coordination of activities and should always be updated with “calls” and any other pertinent information. For strategical purposes, we generally prioritize the order of Provinces to acquire and utilized "holds" (a not-to-exceed maximum quantity of Advances). GBG calls are typically coupled with 'tags' on the GBG Battle Map. Tags are a visual overlay on the Province that provide a graphic representation of 'do not attack' or 'available to attack". The infographic below provides a good summary by putting all of this information together (GBG Battle Map, Province Detail, and GBG Thread).

    Click here to see a larger version of the GBG infographic.

    The story the infographic conveys is the GBG call was to acquire C2S (accomplished by the "lock"); then attack C3Y until it is acquired (68 Advances so far); and finally, attack B2T but stop at 150 Advances and hold.

    Two Types of Calls

    There are two types of standard Calls that will be posted in our GBG thread:

    In short --- anything without a ⭕ is a target to be acquired/closed and anything with a ⭕ is a target to be taken to the default limit or specified amount and NOT CLOSED. The ⭕ is a "O" which means "leave Open, don't Close.

    Depending on the League we are in, the quantity of Advances will change for Province acquisition which means that the 'default' maximum quantity of Advances requested for a "hold" will also vary. The thread title will always contain this default information in the form of: "☢️ GBG ⭕ = 150 Adv's - Don’t Close" to convey the maximum Advances as well as a reminder to not close (acquire) the Province.

    Coordination/Call Examples

    Again, we are coordinating our efforts as these holds are serving defensive or offensive strategical purposes. The idea here is that Marauders are requested to attack that Provinces up to a certain number and then to 'hold their fire' so to speak. It is very important that we hold when requested to ensure we have the best advantage to continue opening up Provinces for more individual rewards as well as scoring VP for Guild rewards.

    Other information (and conversation even) will sometimes be present in the thread as time allows, but the take away is to understand that the Provinces are usually listed in order of priority as this is also important when and if you choose to 'cycle' (more below). For prioritization, we are being requested to focus on the left-most Province in the list and even though we may 'cycle' on other Provinces; we should always evaluate the priority Province after each cycle attempt to allot the majority of our Attrition to it.

    Help Us be Successful

    Goods/Army Cycling

    The same Province will require the SAME SET of Goods until it is succesfully completed if you are negotiating; however, if you complete a negotiation on another Province, the game will often change the goods required (selection quantity or Age) for not just the (first) Province you were attempting but for all Provinces.

    This trick should be utilized if you are stuck due to a shortage of goods or struggling with a certain negotiation (notably, the six'er). This concept also applies to opposition army configurations as those will be reset should you be successful fighting in a different Province.

    In the situation that the Guild is not pursuing multiple Provinces, a GBG Shotcaller will try to designate another Province for goods/army cycling.

    Notes and Tips

    Something we didn't cover or you would like to know more? Please ask in [❓] General Q&A/Info/Requests thread

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