🏈🏅 2022 Forge Bowl Event 🏅🏈



This Event plays exactly the same as last year’s where you will pass a Football down the field to Players that will provide a chance for a Daily Special (or you will be given a small reward) ---- except this year’s Event has the ability to switch the Daily Special to an alternate if desired. Each Touchdown scored will result in a Grand Prize. The Grand Prize is a Fiore Village which features Goods, Guild Goods and an Att-Def boost at its highest level.

For this Event, there is also a League where you will compete against all other players on your World. Your League ranking will be determined by the total Yards as well as your activity (inactivity will move your League status downwards).

Event Play

Your Event Currency is Footballs (#4) which will be can be collected by completing Event Quests, logging in daily, finding them in Incidents around your City or purchasing them with Diamonds.

The Event mini-game features a football field that you can select your Coach (#1) as well as view your League status (#2). From the 12 available, 3 Players (#5) will be presented on the field, each with their own attributes and chances to win the current Daily Special (#3). Once you have passed the Football(s), another set of random Players will be appear for the next play.

Once the end zone is reached and a Touchdown is scored, you will be awarded a Grand Prize (#6).

Prize Systems

As well as the Grand Prize, there is a honking huge selection of Daily Specials to choose from. Other than the frustration at which Daily to choose there are are two twists to enhance/confuse you further.

You must mix and match Coaches and Players to optimize your game play.

Additional rewards will be given for the League you place in at the end of the event.


*** Event Main Building (Grand Prize) ***

*** Other Notable Buildings (from Daily Special) ***


The Fiore Village is upgradable to Level 10. You will receive Level 1 FV upon completing the first 5 Quests and upgrades upon completion of Quests #30 and #55. More upgrades are available from the Grand Prize Rotation List where you will receive an upgrade for every two (2) Grand Prizes (i.e., each Touchdown) starting with the first Touchdown.


Daily Special Pool (Remaining)

Event Daily Specials

  1. Terracotta Vineyard Selection Kit
  2. Colossus Selection Kit
  3. Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
  4. 6h Mass Supply Rush
  5. Tactician's Tower Upgrade Kit
  6. Athlete Living Quarters
  7. Pillar of Heroes Selection Kit
  8. Gigantic Medals Package
  9. Olympic Treasury Selection Kit
  10. Vineyard Fields Selection Kit
  11. Colossus Selection Kit
  12. Classical Garden Selection Kit
  13. Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
  14. Altar Garden Selection Kit
  15. Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
  16. Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
  17. Vineyard Fields Selection Kit
Alternate Daily Specials - Chance Pool

Grand Prizes - Rotation List (Scoring a Touchdown)

  1. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  2. Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
  3. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  4. Self-Aid Kit
  5. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  6. Gigantic Medal Package
  7. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  8. Pillar of Heroes Selection Kit
  9. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  10. Shrine of Knowledge
  11. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  12. 50 Forge Points
  13. Fiore Village Lvl 1
  14. Store Building
  15. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  16. Wishing Well Shrink Kit
  17. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  18. Renovation Kit
  19. Fiore Village Upgrade Kit
  20. Gigantic Medal Package
  21. Terracotta Vineyard Selection Kit

Notes and Tips

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