🐴🥨 Fellowship Event 🥨🐴️️
(28 Jul to 18 Aug)
A new look for a new event with the underlying mechanics of the Soccer/Football/Frog events. Instead of kicking a ball, throwing a pass or jumping across a pond; you will be using Travel Rations to trek to as many Cities as possible.
In short, for every Event Quest you complete, you will receive Travel Rations for your Hero. Provide rations to Fellows to continue your journey to a City. You will receive a Grand Prize for each City you reach. Other than the default Hero (which has a 3% chance to double rewards), other Heroes can be purchased with Diamonds that have their own attributes.
This event features a Daily Special switch and there is also a League where you will compete against all other players on your World. You League ranking will depend on the distance you journey.
The Grand Prize is the Heroes Tavern, which provides the usual along with Att-Att and Att-Def. A new building is also offered in the Daily Special lineup called a Knights Pavilion. This 2 x 2 building can produce random military units.
Thus the twist here is do you focus on Daily Specials or go the distance for the Grand Prize? … or perhaps, why not both?
Event Play
You will choose your Hero (#1) and expend Rations (#2) that you fetch by completing Event Quests, logging into your world(s) or discover them in City Incidents.
Travel Rations are spent on Fellows (#5) for a small prize and a chance at the (switchable) Daily Special (#3). Your League (#4) will also provide rewards and you can keep track of your journey and the Grand Prize (#6), the locked prize (Hero Prize) can be unlocked with Diamonds.
- All other Heroes other than the Default will require a 24-hour cool down so plan accordingly.
- Consult the sortable Cost Ratio Fellows table in the first link provided for optimal expenditure of Travel Rations (Daily Special vs Distance).
*** Event Main Building (Grand Prize) ***
- Heroes Tavern: A 5 x 4 building that provides Population, Happiness, Coin, FP and Att-Def and Att-Att depending on the building’s age.
*** Other Notable Buildings (from Daily Specials) ***
- Knights Pavilion: A 2 x 2 building that produces Coins, Goods and when Motivated, Coin production is doubled and two (2) military units are produced.
- Stage of Ages: A 4 x 4 building that provides for various amounts of Population, Happiness, Guild Goods, FP and Att-Att.
Daily Specials (Remaining)
- 20% Attacker Boost
- Spring Selection Kit
- Store Building
- Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
- Tactician's Tower Upgrade
Daily Specials
- Knights Pavilion
- Winners' Plaza Selection Kit
- Hanami Bridge Selection Kit
- Hall of Fame Selection Kit
- 6h Mass Supply Rush
- Menagerie
(not in Beta)
- Spring Selection Kit
- Rogue Hideout
- Knights Pavilion
- Stage of Ages
- Hanami Bridge Selection Kit
- Shrine of Knowledge
- 6h Mass Supply Rush
(not in Beta)
- Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
- Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
- Stage of Ages
(not in Beta)
- Suishun Mill Selection Kit
- Winners' Plaza Selection Kit
- Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
- Carousel
(not in Beta)
- Checkmate Square
Alternate Daily Specials - Chance Pool
- 20% Attacker Boost
- 6h Mass Supply Rush
- Checkmate Square
- Hall of Fame Selection Kit
- Hanami Bridge Selection Kit
- Knights Pavilion
- Rogue Hideout
- Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
- Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
- Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
- Shrine of Knowledge
- Spring Selection kit
- Stage of Ages
- Store Building
- Suishun Mill Selection Kit
- Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
- Tactician's Tower Upgrade
- Winners' Plaza Selection Kit
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- Shrine of Knowledge
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- 20% Attack Boost
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- Store Building
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- Renovation Kit
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- Mass Self-Aid Kit
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- Drummer School
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- 20% Attack Boost
- Heroes Tavern Level 1
- Shrine of Knowledge Upgrade Kit
- Heroes Tavern Upgrade Kit
- 2 Blueprints
Grand Prize Upgrading
The Heroes Tavern is upgradable to Level 10. You will receive a Level 1 HT upon completing the first 5 Quests, an upgrade upon completion of 34 Quests and another upon completion of all 61 Quests. All remaining upgrades must be obtained via the Grand Prize rotation list by traveling to new Cities.
Notes and Tips
- Save up your Travel Rations for the Daily Special you are wanting and then spend the Diamonds on the Ultimate Hero for the best chance at the Daily Special and the Grand Prize.
- Utilize the sortable Fellow Cost table for the best use of Rations.
- Do NOT open your mystery box from the previous event until after you have secured the Level 1 Reserve from the quests.
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