❄️☃️ Winter Event 12/02 - 01/02 ☃️❄️



For those that have been around, the play is the same as last year’s Event including the Advent Calendar which will require Calendar Keys for the exact day of the Event ---- except this year’s Event has the ability to switch the Daily Special to an alternate if desired.

In this Event, you will be unwrapping Presents to find what glorious rewards await inside! This is done by collecting Stars, the Event currency, that will reveal a small reward as well give the Event premium currency – Matchbooks and Calendar Keys. Using the Matchbooks, you will light up candles in the Village and you will fetch a Grand Prize for every 20 Houses illuminated. Extra Prizes are provided by the Calendar Keys and Reindeer; however, the Reindeer prizes will cost you some hefty Diamonds.

The Grand Prize is the Winter Canal which at Level 10 can be converted to a Festive or Jolie Canal providing additional FP along with Att-Att/Att-Def or Def-Att/Def-Def boosts.

Event Play

You will acquire winter Stars (#1) by completing the Event Questline, logging into your world, discover them in city Incidents, or when opening Presents in the Event mini-game.

In addition to keeping count of your Winter Stars (#1), the Winter Village main playing area consists of Presents (#2) that you will unwrap for a chance at a Daily Special (#3). Unwrapping Presents will also provide a Matchbook (#4) that is used to light Candles that will illuminate Houses (#5). A Grand Prize (#6) will be awarded when 20 Houses have been illumed. If you discover a Calendar Key among the Presents, you want use it on the Calendar (#7) for even more prizes.

Prize Systems

Opening Presents will always provide a Prize whether it’s a regular prize, Daily Special or a Special award (with Stars). Depending on the type of Prize, additional Prizes may be obtained.


If a Present is not the Daily Special or a Special award, it will be filled with the usual regular prizes consisting of Blueprints, Military Units, Decorations, Potions, Buildings, SoK/WW fragments and a small amount of FP, Goods and Medals.

*** Event Main Building (Grand Prize) ***

*** Other Notable Buildings (from Daily Special) ***

Grand Prize Upgrading

The Winter Canal is upgradable to Level 10. You will receive a Level 1 WC upon completing the first 5 Quests and upgrades upon completion of Quests #20 and #70. More upgrades are available from the Grand Prize Rotation List where you will receive an upgrade for every two (2) Grand Prizes (i.e., 40 Houses illuminated). As always, you should have a WC upgrade in the Event Surprise Box if received from the previous Event.


Daily Special Pool (Remaining)

Event Daily Specials

  1. Winter Bakery Selection Kit
  2. Winter Spire Selection Kit
  3. Santa's Workshop
  4. 6h Mass Supply Rush
  5. Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
  6. Rogue Hideout
  7. Tactician's Tower Lvl 1
  8. Winter Train Selection Kit
  9. Sleigh Builder
  10. Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
  11. Rogue Hideout Shrink Kit
  12. Charming Cottage
  13. Renovation Kit
  14. Wishing Well Shrink Kit
  15. Store Building - Not In Beta
  16. Winter Train Cars Selection Kit
  17. Parlour Car
  18. Winter Spire Selection Kit
  19. 6h Mass Supply Rush - Not In Beta
  20. Winter Train Selection Kit
  21. Santa's Workshop
  22. Sleigh Builder
  23. Charming Cottage
  24. Winter Bakery Selection Kit
  25. Winter Spire Selection Kit
  26. Sentinel Outpost Upgrade Kit
  27. Parlour Car
  28. Winter Train Cars Selection Kit
  29. Shrine of Knowledge
  30. Hall of Fame Selection Kit
  31. Tactician's Tower Upgrade Kit
  32. Sentinel Outpost Lvl 1
Alternate Daily Specials - Chance Pool

Advent Calendar Boxes

  1. 3 Fragments of Shrine of Knowledge
  2. 2 Blueprints
  3. 15 Forge Points
  4. One Up Kit
  5. Boost Crate
  6. Winter Deco Selection Kit
  7. 6h Mass Supply Rush
  8. 25 Goods
  9. 3 Fragments of Wishing Well Shrink Kit
  10. Production Building
  11. 15 Forge Points
  12. 5% Attack Boost
  13. Extra Large Medals
  14. Rogue
  15. 3 Fragments of Shrine of Knowledge
  16. 100% Supply Boost
  17. Mass Self-Aid Kit
  18. 25 Goods
  19. 8h Mass Coin Rush
  20. 1 Observatory Blue Print
  21. 30% Defender Boost
  22. Decoration
  23. 3 Fragments of Wishing Well Shrink Kit
  24. 20 Forge Points
  25. 6h Mass Supply Rush
  26. Store Building
  27. Winter Deco Selection Kit
  28. 2 Blueprints
  29. 3 Fragments of Wishing Well
  30. Champion
  31. Extra Large Medals
  32. 25 Goods

Grand Prizes - Rotation List (20 Lit Houses)

  1. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  2. Gigantic Medal Package
  3. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  4. Shrine of Knowledge
  5. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  6. 50 Forge Points
  7. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  8. Wishing Well Shrink Kit
  9. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  10. Tactician's Tower Level 1
  11. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  12. Wishing Well
  13. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  14. Store Building
  15. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  16. 50 Forge Points
  17. Winter Canal Level 1
  18. Gigantic Medal Package
  19. Winter Canal Upgrade Kit
  20. Renovation Kit

Notes and Tips

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