Guild Changes

Greetings to all of our Beloved, Fierce and Gorgeous Marauders!

It has been 🌟AMAZING🌟 how much progress we have made in such a short time (measured in FoE time, that is). Many magnificent folks have come along and by mixing all our ideas together and simply being Kind to one another; we are consistent in our world rank and cranking out over 47k goods per day for our Treasury. Totally ✨STUNNING✨ – 🍻 Cheers to Everyone 🍻!!

As we continue to grow to new heights, the need for guild advancement also grows. Leadership have been discussing this aspect for a while and we have decided that we need to adjust our guild requirements to better be in line with those of our growing members. Obviously, we still want the Marauders to be more relaxed than all the competitive guilds out there and keep within our founding pillar of enabling everyone to focus on their own cities and grow. To balance these two goals, we are deciding to ‘increase requirements’ in very small, incremental steps so we are not overburdened all at once. For many of us, nothing will change. See below for specifics …

Requirements may or may not receive further increases over time. At this time, we do not foresee any, but we will make sure to implement them in very incremental steps with an adjustment period to ensure we are all able to pace ourselves. For these upcoming periods, a new GE and GBG start the week after next. We will have an ‘adjustment’ cycle for both. This means that for the 1st cycle in each (GE/GBG) we will not officially require you to meet these goals, but we would highly encourage you to try so that you can assess where you stand in attempting to meet them and you can adjust accordingly. Then, the following rounds after, we will formally start requiring and tracking them.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these requirements, feel free to reach out to any of us. Additionally, if you would like advice/coaching/help you can certainly reach out to us or any other Marauder for that matter. Many of us are very knowledgeable and we are all here to help and support each other in any way we can.

Thank YOU 😍 for being part of the thing that makes us ... well .. us!

Your Peeps,

Alvy, Jezza, Gasman, and Snozz

📣 Guild Requirements

As mentioned above, we are adjusting requirements for certain GBs and GE/GBG participation.

  1. We are adding minimum Arc and Obs requirements. For those of us that are out of compliance with this new minimum; we request that you focus on these.
  2. We will now be requiring eight (8) completed Encounters in the GE. Many of you already go well beyond (yay!) and we do not feel this is an undue burden for those that have not yet.
  3. We will now be adding a requirement for GBG participation. For those that normally do not participate, GBG is truly one of the best ways to help grow your city if you actively participate. Moving forward, we are now requiring all members to complete 10 Advances total per GBG season. Again, we do not feel this would be a burden as an entire GBG season is 11 days long; so this equates to just under 1 fight per day, or, 1 negotiation every 2 days to satisfy this requirement. This is a very small, initial step and is not meant to overwork anyone.

📣 Marauder Support Changes

*** These changes include a slight mod on how our GE drawings are done as they will be divided between players and further subdivided by categories.

*** Marauders will now receive free levels on their Arcs and Observatories!

📣 Other Changes

  1. To reflect all of the above we have expanded our commendation badges with minor changes. In a nutshell, we have added Guild Contribution, a 100 Club, Trinity and Trifecta milestone commendations. These can be found at the bottom of our Q&A page.
  2. Our GBG calls have been modified for clarity and simplicity. Please review our GBG page for details. Veterans can probably skip to the "Coordination" section for the call changes, but has all been updated and worth a good read.
  3. We are opening up GvG in a limited fashion for those that want to experience that aspect of the game. Ahern and Gasman will be our initial GvG Shotcallers. More information to come (and site update) as this is organized ...
  4. We will now maintain a Marauder Report which is the basis of our Treasury. Our kith and kin will be asked to review for accuracy from time to time so we may ensure our funding is managed appropriately to continue to help us grow.
  5. Last, we have revised our Guild Report so we can continue to monitor our overall improvement and Treasury. Both, the Marauder and Guild Report, can be found on our Admin page. We will notify everyone when this is accomplished and updated.

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